Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Third Assignment: The Fifth Amendment

The Fifth Estate: Advances in Communication Throughout History - Historic Moments

This is a thriller with a very current topic. I liked it a lot and the opening scene is perfect for that recurrent conversation class about technology.

1. Think about all the progress that has taken place in the history of communication. Can you come up wit a chronological order of the advancement of communication until current times?
Ex: First, human beings started to communicate through drawings in caves. Then, writing was invented, etc...

2. Match the means of communication and the year they were invented/established:

  • Gutenberg invented the press, which made books much cheaper and allowed newspapers to be invented
  • Writing was invented
  • Invention of the alphabet in what is now Israel and Lebanon
  • The Internet gained a public face
  • The first fax machine was invented.
  • Telephones became common in peoples homes
  • The Chinese invented printing with block
  • The Chinese invented paper
  • TV began in the USA
  • Television was invented 
  • The telegraph was invented in 1837. A cable was laid across the Channel so it became possible to send messages across the Atlantic.
  • The first telephone exchange in Britain opened.
  • Radio broadcasting began in Britain
  • Smart phones were introduced
  • The first mobile phone call in Britain was made

Ex: 3,300 BC - Writing was invented

1,600 BC - 
200 BC - 
500 AC - 
1400 AC - 
1837 - 
1843 - 
1879 - 
1922 - 
1925 - 
1941 - 
1970 - 
1985 - 
1989 - 
1996 - 

1. Which of the inventions above do you consider the most important one? Why?

2. What will come after the Internet?

3. How do you see communication in 50 years form now?

4. Will people communicate less or more in the future?

II. Watch the movie segment and make a list of all the advancement in technology you managed to see in the segment.

Ms. Julia :)

Second Assignment: Rear Window

Rear Window: Verbs of Perception + Gerund or Bare Infinitive

I like showing classics to my students so they learn a little more about movies. Hitchcock's Rear Window is a must to all movie lovers.

Some verbs of perception seelook athearlisten to, and feel, along with watch and sense can be used with objects followed by other verbs (base form or gerunds, but not infinitives).


We heard you leave. (Okay. Emphasis on our hearing.)
We heard you leaving. (Okay. Emphasis on your leaving.)
We heard you to leave. (Incorrect!)

Other examples:

saw her go. (okay. Focus on my seeing.)
Look at that man run! (okay. Focus on their looking.)
Sylvester listened to the canary sing. (okay, focus on his listening.)
We watched them play basketball. (okay, focus on our watching.)
We watched them playing basketball. (okay, focus on their playing.)
Trudy can feel the wind blowing against her skin. (okay, focus on the wind's blowing.)
Mr. Todd sensed the lion approaching. (okay, focus on the lion's approaching.)
Click to dowload the movie segment and watch.

 I. Watch the movie segment and complete sentences with one verb of the given verbs of perception and the objects followed by other verbs in parentheses. Use as many verbs as possible. Then decide where the action main focus is. Use the movie segment to help you fill in the blanks.
                                                                 Lisa and Jeff

1. He _______________a woman in green _______________ the table for a special dinner. (see)

2. He ____________ Miss Lonelyhearts _______________________ her imaginary guest, but he couldn't understand what she was actually saying. (welcome)

3. He __________Miss Lonelyhearts ____________some wine for herself and her imaginary lover. (pour)

4. They ___________ Ms, Torso, the ballet dancer, ______________with three gentlemen in her apartment building.(entertain)

5. A beautiful lady __________ her husband ___________ a call and left the bed to see what was  happening. (make)

6. The woman's husband _____________ (neg) her _______________ into the living room and was surprised by her presence there (come).

7. The couple ___________ a songwriter  __________ beautiful music in the studio apartment. (play)

Ms. Julia :)


Characteristics of cyberbullying and how the main character dealt with them
As the bully we have Taylors Friend who impersonate a teenage boy named James in the social web named ”clickster”, who spreads a rumor that Taylor slept with him.
The cyber bully bother Taylor by messages  on the socialweb and by making videos and posting them also  on the web.
Punitive fears:
Taylors mom notice by a call the behavoir of her daughter knowing something is wrong,
She decide to shut down her “clickster social  web profile”
The bystanders this time are identificated as the girls from Taylors highschool,
Sending her messages on her profile Wall, talking about Taylors fake video and the rumors “James” spread.
The anonymity of Taylors friend impersonating “James” give her strongness to defame her by the use of a video acting up like it was her with a mask, and the rumors in posts.

The kinds of cybery bulliyng Taylor suffer were:
Distributing information about another that is derogatory and untrue through posting it on a Web page, sending it to others through email or instant messaging, or posting or sending digitally altered photos of someone.
II.- Harassment:
Repeatedly sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages.

1.- What were the consequences of cyberbullying in the movie segment case?
At the end of the segment case the girl tries to commit suicide by eating a bottle of pills.

2.- Why did her friend decide to do it?
Because her friend didnt wanted Taylor to go out to prom with the boy who dated her other friend.

3.- What should happen to her friend - the cyberbully? Should she be punished? How?
She should be obliged to deal with the problems legally speaking,
And attend support groups that help her to stop being a bully.

4.- Was there anything that could have been done to prevent the situation from happening? Explain it.
The bully shoulve stop harrasing Taylor and speak instead of doing such things.

5.- Do you know anyone who has gone through such an experience? What happened?

I never been through such an experience, i hope ill never get to live one of those stories.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Assignment: Cyberbullying

Cyberbully: Cyberbullying

This is a movie made for television, and it talks about a very current topic, cyberbullying. Because cyberbullying involves humiliation, swearing, and desperation, this scene is more suitable for adults or older teens, since there are some curse words and the main character is drawn to a desperate outcome. In fact, total despair and disappointment with life are some of the extreme outcomes of cyberbullying. However, it is important to discuss this issue, and the movie and scene have a very positive message. 


Cyber bullying is bullying through email, instant messaging (IMing), chat room exchanges, Web site posts, or digital messages or images send to a cellular phone or personal digital assistant (PDA) (Kowalski et al. 2008). Cyber bullying, like traditional bullying, involves an imbalance of power, aggression, and a negative action that is often repeated.

I. Here are some characteristics of cyberbullying, which is different from traditional bullying. Read them and decide how the main character of the movie segment dealt with them.

As bad as the "bully" on the playground may be, he or she can be readily identified and potentially avoided. On the other hand, the child who cyber bullies is often anonymous. The victim is left wondering who the cyber "bully" is, which can cause a great deal of stress.
Most children who use traditional ways of bullying terrorize their victim at school, on the bus, or walking to or from school. Although bullying can happen elsewhere in the community, there is usually a standard period of time during which these children have access to their victims. Children who cyber bully can wreak havoc any time of the day or night.
Punitive Fears
Victims of cyber bullying often do not report it because of: (1) fear of retribution from their tormentors, and (2) fear that their computer or phone privileges will be taken away. Often, adults' responses to cyber bullying are to remove the technology from a victim - which in their eyes can be seen as punishment.
Most traditional bullying episodes occur in the presence of other people who assume the role of bystanders or witnesses. The phenomenon of being a bystander in the cyber world is different in that they may receive and forward emails, view web pages, forward images sent to cell phones, etc. The number of bystanders in the cyber world can reach into the millions.

The anonymity afforded by the Internet can lead children to engage in behaviors that they might not do face-to-face. Ironically, it is their very anonymity that allows some individuals to bully at all.

II. Watch the movie segment and answer question I.

III. Here are some kinds of cyberbullying. Which ones did she suffer?

Harassment: Repeatedly sending offensive, rude, and insulting messages

Denigration: Distributing information about another that is derogatory and untrue through posting it on a Web page, sending it to others through email or instant messaging, or posting or sending digitally altered photos of someone

Flaming: Online "fighting" using electronic messages with angry, vulgar language

Impersonation: Breaking into an email or social networking account and using that person's online identity to send or post vicious or embarrassing material to/about others.

Outing and Trickery: Sharing someone's secrets or embarrassing information, or tricking someone into revealing secrets or embarrassing information and forwarding it to others

Cyber Stalking: Repeatedly sending messages that include threats of harm or are highly intimidating, or engaging in other online activities that make a person afraid for his or her safety (depending on the content of the message, it may be illegal)

1. What were the consequences of cyberbullying in the movie segment case?
2. Why did her friend decide to do it?
3. What should happen to her friend - the cyberbully? Should she be punished? How?
4. Was there anything that could have been done to prevent the situation from happening? Explain it.
5. Do you know anyone who has gone through such an experience? What happened?
Ms. Julia

Friday, May 29, 2015

Web Quest.

1. Well, what's the largest amount of saturated fat that should be in my food each day?

Based on the chart above, how many total grams of saturated fat  should be in the food you eat per day? 40

2. Can I live it up on the weekends and go easy during the week?
Multiply your answer from question 1 by 7:  280
That's the "max" of saturated fat you should average a week. 
Some days you can have more, if you cut back on other days.

3. How many  fries can you munch? (Nutritional info - Nutr. facts)
How many SATURATED fat grams are in a large order of McDonald’s fries?    3.5 g
 How many SATURATED fat grams are in a Big Mac?   10 g
*Put together a meal that you might get @ McDonalds (list it below) provide total calories:
Bacon & Cheese Sirloin Third Pound Burger (810) cal + item Coca-Cola (140) cal + item: French Fries (230) cal = 1180

4. Will a  Gordita make you gordo ? 
How many TOTAL fat GRAMS are in 1 Gordita (pick any one)?     5g
How many TOTAL fat GRAMS are in a Chalupa (pick any one)?  ____5g____ 
*What % of CALORIES is from FAT in your Chalupa?                                  
         (Hint: Fat Cal in Chalupa = __21___ / Total Cal __370______) = (056)  or  5.67%

5. Wolfing down a Wendy's meal... (Note: There are 9 calories in a gram of fat).
          How many fat CALORIES are in a BLT Salad (WITH DRESSING)? 380
          How many fat CALORIES are in a Double With Everything? 430
What's a healthier choice at Wendy’s besides either one of these items? Apple Slices (40cal)

6. Come on Jared….tell it as it is!                    Calories       Total Fat (g)  Sat. Fat. (g)
  (go to the PDF file and add as you go along, you will find much of the information at the second to last page on PDF file))
Take a 6’ Subway Veggie Delite (initial)    230        2.5      0.5
Add a meat, list it (chiken & Bacon) + 570     250 10
Add chipotle sauce                               +      10'      10 1.5
Add a cheese, list it ( Cheddar )     +     40 3.5      2
Add Mayonnaise                                               110 12 2.0
Bag of chips or cookie                                  250 13 2.5
Large soda (21 oz cola)                                   260                     0                    0
Now watch those pounds melt away (totals)   1240 cal  288.5 g   18 g

  1. Choose your favorite fast food restaurant to answer questions 7-8.  
Restaurant: Jack In the Box
Note: To find Daily Value, divide how much the item contains by the recommended allowance.
a.  Which option has the greatest amount of total fat?
Item: Bacon ultimate Amount: 906 g, daily value    1500c
b.  Which option has the highest calorie count?
Item: Munchie Meal Amount: 1559 cal, daily value 519
c.  Which option has the most sodium content?
Item: Munchie Meal Amount:  3836 mg, daily value 1918

  1. How does portion size affect the nutritional content? (calories, fat grams, and sodium) A: too add more seasoning to our food we are adding more calories to our body without an active life and we will not remove those calories we could cause problems with our health.

8 b. What are 3 healthy options?  (Look for
   lower fat and lower sodium content).
1).Item _Green Bean  Cal. 20 Fat 0 g
2). Item Cole Slaw  Cal. 170 Fat 10 g

3). Item Whole Kernel Corn  Cal.100 Fat 0.5 g

9 Conclusion--List two suggestions how we can incorporate fast food restaurants into a healthy diet.

1.Add more meals as they may be low-fat soups.

2. I
mprove children's menus because they need good nutrition from an early age to prevent obesity.

  1. What was the absolutely unhealthiest, fattiest, artery clogging food you could find?

Item: Bucket Meals (8 pc) (KFC)
Sat. Fat Content:     185   grams
Total Fat Content:   197  grams
Total Calories:         4030  calories

Friday, May 22, 2015

Dolphins in danger from hunting in the Pacific Ocean

In this article we talk about the lack of awareness about the slaughter of dolphins in the Pacific Ocean, Solomon Islands .

Jewelry Is Made From Dolphin Teeth

The root cause is due to the poverty of the island as income using dolphins as much profit they get from dolphins are teeth that are valued at 70 US and meat for household consumption and sale .

The great slaughter of dolphins is due to the great price that was given to her teeth , scientists says this is damaging the ecosystem. Studies say that a people get a count of dolphins killed and the figure rises to 15,000 between 1976 and 2013 this gives us a figure of 405 dolphins per year . One of the main risk is the increased price that gives a dolphin teeth .

Hunting Stopped, Then Started Again

In 2010 scientists reached an agreement with the settlers and stopped the dolphin hunts but in 2013 broke this agreement in the period of 3 months 1600 killed dolphins.

At this time , there is no group for the protection of small mammals such as dolphins.
Dolphin hunting is becoming increasingly popular worldwide . Many fishermen start this kind of hunting for their market prices.
Often trap dolphins when they can not find the fish they are looking for . The populations of these fish are low due to over fishing and pollution in these villages.

Weg Quest

Please work on the following assignment:


Ms. Julia  :)